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Portal Admin Dashboard

Portal Admins are the primary owners of each Portal. You can allow a Portal Admin to fully manage their own Portal including Sub-Portals, management of courses, their learners, ability to run reporting and other permissions.

  1. The initial view of the Portal page provides an overview of essential information and features, offering users insights into the portal's contents. The 'Select Portal' dropdown displays the names of portals where the current portal admin holds membership or administrative privileges. This feature enables seamless navigation between different portals. Additionally, it lists portals where the user is enrolled as a learner.

  1. To view a summary that includes the total number of seats, remaining seats, and content access, simply select the Dashboard option. This provides an overview of key metrics and content accessibility within the Portal.

1. Contents: Click on "Contents" and then select:

  • All Courses: This section lists all the courses accessible to the Portal Admin. Here, you can view the Course Name, Student Progress, activity within the last 24 hours, and an Actions button for additional management options.

  • All Learning Paths: This section lists all the learning paths that the Portal Admin is part of.

  • Memberships: This section lists all the memberships that the Portal Admin is associated with.

  • Click on (...) in Actions for a particular Course

  • Clicking on 'Manage Course' navigates you to a page where you can oversee course details. This page provides information such as the Student/Learner Name, their Status, User Type, Last Accessed details, Enrollment Date, and an Actions button for additional management options.

2. Users: Clicking on Users and then selecting:

  1. All Users: This option allows you to manually create individual users or learners. It is ideal for scenarios where only a few users need to be added.

Either by clicking on '+ Add Learners' adding individual users and providing them access to courses. To know more on adding Learners click here. \

Choose from the following options:

  • Add Existing User(s)

  • Add New (1 or more)

  • Or, click on or go to Bulk Enroll

The screen shown below will appear. Select the excel file and select the required parameters and click on 'Upload Users'

  1. Import Users: To add multiple users at once, use the Bulk Upload feature. This is particularly useful for onboarding a large number of learners or users quickly.

click on Import

3. eCommerce: Displays a list of orders placed, along with their Status, Total Amount, and Date of Purchase.

  • To view Invoice Click on 'View Details' under 'Actions' of particular order item
  • To download Invoice click on 'Download invoice' under 'Actions' of particular order item

4. Reports: The menu offers multiple reports available for the Portal Admin.

  • Site Audit Log report: This is general Audit log report where it logs all actions made by Portal Admin

  • Overview: This is Overview of LMS report, where it shows the Courses Name and also counts Status wise i.e., how many are 'Not Started', 'In Progress' or 'Competed'

  • Course Insight : This gives a detailed report of a particular course. Here you can select the course from dropdown and display complete details of the course like,
  1. Name/Email of the Student
  2. Status of the course of the students
  3. Enrollment date
  4. Start Date
  5. Completion Date
  6. Last Accessed Date
  7. Expiration Date
  8. Portal Name
  9. Percentage Achieved
  10. Time spent
  11. Certificate Achieved

Report can be exported into excel which displays complete course details of particular course. Also report can viewed after filtering with certain conditions as in to view the report By Status , By User Category, By Start Date, By Completed Date.

  • Student Insight : This a detailed report of a particular Student. Here you can select the Student from the dropdown and display complete details of the Student like.,
  1. Courses enrolled of the Student
  2. Status of the course of the students
  3. Enrollment date
  4. Start Date
  5. Completion Date
  6. Last Accessed Date
  7. Percentage Achieved
  8. Time spent
  9. Certificate Achieved

Report can be exported into excel which displays complete Student details of all courses of that student. Also report can be viewed after filtering it with certain conditions as view the report By Status, By Course, By Start Date, By Completed Date.

  • Survey Report : This report is basically feedback of the course given by the students.

  • Learning path Overview: This report gives overview of Portal Learning path along with its Statuses. The result display can be exported as well by clicking on the Export Results button.

  • Learning Path Insight: This report gives detailed Learning Path report. It will display the list of students with their learning path Title, Status, Enrollment date, Start Date, Completion Date, Last Accessed , Expiration Date, Time spent and Certificate Achieved. This report can exported to excel.

5. Settings : Navigate to Settings to adjust email settings and manage other Portal-Related configurations.

  • General: Portal Admins have the ability to modify Brand settings, Add Admins, Enroll Learners.

  • Announcement: An Announcement sub-menu is available for creating Announcements. On click of it , a list of announcements will be displayed specific to the selected Portal.

    To create an announcement, click on 'Create Announcement'

  • Fill in all the details to create Portal level Announcement

  1. Heading.
  2. Content.
  3. Active Until (set expiry of the announcement).
  4. Send To? : select to whom this announcement should be sent from the available options.
  5. Click on 'Save Announcement' to save.

6. My Learnings: This My Learning shows the details of courses, learning paths, certificates, memberships, announcements and leaderboard & Badges of the particular Learner.

Note: Portal Admin can be Learner as well.

  • My Courses : Shows the list of Courses of particular Learner. Here Learner can 'Launch Course' and start the course and complete the module available in the course.

  • My Learning Path :Displays the list of learning paths the Learner is enrolled into.

  • My Certificates: Shows the list of certificates you have received.

  • Membership Contents: Shows the membership details of which the Learner is a member.

  • My Announcements: Displays the list of announcements The Learner has received.

  • Leaderboard & Badges: Displays a leader board where the Learner will be able to keep track of their leaderboard status and badges. You can connect to LinkedIn and post the badges earned post completion.